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The Synergy Centre

Our logo represents that everything is interconnected, both inside and out

Our core values are compassion, integrity, empowerment, and celebrating the uniqueness of each individual.


We are dedicated to cultivating a warm, safe, nurturing, and transformative space and respectful environment where individuals can explore, integrate, and elevate their personal growth, self-discovery and transformation.

At the heart of our centre is a deep commitment to inclusivity and respect for all spiritual traditions. We honour the inherent wisdom found in various paths, creating an environment where individuals from all backgrounds can explore their spirituality and personal growth freely.

our mission is to educate, inspire, support and guide people to explore and pursue the untapped potential of their authentic self.   We passionately believe that all people can benefit from holistic interventions woven with ancient wisdom to achieve a more harmoniously balanced way of living.  When all dimensions of wellbeing are balanced, we are more resilient to life’s stressors resulting in an overall feeling of well-being and we are more likely to feel happy and satisfied.

We are committed to guiding you on a path of holistic wellness, personal transformation and spiritual growth.

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Chakra Balancing
What is Wellness?

Wellness is defined as a multidimensional state of being that encompasses our mind, body, emotional and spiritual states, social dynamics and the environments in which we live, work and play; after the basic needs of food, shelter and medical care have already been met.


The wellness journey is a conscious pursuit of a holistically balanced lifestyle - and - “a direction in progress toward an ever-higher potential of functioning” [Halbert L. Dunn, MD, PhD Canadian Journal of Public Health 1959]


We achieve the state of wellness through an active and evolving process of becoming aware of and making choices for a better quality of life. 

What is the Holistic Approach?

Holism relates to how physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements are interconnected. The general principle of holism was summarized by Aristotle as "The whole is more than the sum of its parts". When one part of the body or mind is out of balance, it is believed to affect the person as a whole.

Just like when an orchestra of musical instruments are not in tune, they don’t make music; they just make noise. They’re not in harmony  so you don’t enjoy the benefits of a symphony.   The same goes with people.  When our thoughts, emotions, actions and beliefs are not aligned it creates a discord in the way we view and approach life.  But when our thoughts, emotions, actions and beliefs are aligned and in coherence with each other, they are in harmony and create resonance.  And from that place of resonance you can anchor in the abilities to face life and any of its challenges with a whole new perspective and a more empowered way of living.

Psychosomatic conditions are physical disorders that have been notably influenced by emotional factors.  In other words they are emotional issues that manifest in physical form.  For example, chronic stress can result in stomach ulcers, hair loss, cardiovascular disorders, etc.

The holistic approach focuses on the whole person rather than just on the condition or part of the body that is not balanced; addressing the ‘cause’ of the issue rather than simply just the ‘symptoms’.  Therefore creating a positive synergising effect in both mind and body, in order to promote optimal health and wellness.

Te Whare Tapa Wha - Philosophy of Oranga


The service we offer at The Synergy Centre emcompass Te Whare Tapa Wha

  • Taha Tinana - Physical Well-being - Encompassing the physical body, its growth, development, ability to move and ways of caring for it.


  • Taha Hinengaro - Mental & Emotional Well-being - Coherent thinking processes, acknowledging and expressing thoughts and feelings and responding constructively.


  • Taha Whanau - Family & Social Well-being - Family relationships, friendships, and other interpersonal relationships; feelings of belonging, compassion, caring and social support.


  • Taha Wairua - Spiritual Well-being - The values and beliefs that determine the way people live, the search for meaning and purpose in life, personal identity and self-awareness.

These four dimensions of oranga all work in synergy, influencing, nurturing and supporting each other. 

 Reiki Whangarei   |    Chakra Balancing Whangarei   |   Sound Healing Whangarei   |   Sound Bath Whangarei

Meditation Whangarei   |  Hypnotherapy Whangarei   |   EFT Whangarei   |   Deep State Re-Patterning

Past Life Regression Whangarei   |   Soul Retrieval Whangarei   |   Medicine Card Readings Whangarei

© 2019 - 2024 ~The Synergy Centre. 

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Holistic Wellbeing & Spiritual Growth Centre Whangarei

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